07727 600893

Dermal Fillers and Filler Dissolving

Our treatments include the latest dermal filler techniques, which are injected using premium fillers supplied by licensed pharmacies.

Dermal Fillers and Filler Dissolving

Dermal fillers are made from a non-animal, biodegradable synthetic form of hyaluronic acid.

Dermal fillers are used for plumping fine and deeper lines. They are effective in adding lost volume to areas of the face such as the lips, nasal fold, marionette lines, Vermilion lip border and internal lip volume.

Naso-labial fold

(also known as laugh lines or smile lines) are common lines that form between the corners of the mouth and the nose due to lost volume and reduced production of collagen. These folds can be treated with dermal fillers, which can:

  • Restore lost volume in the skin
  • Smoothen and improve the appearance of deep folds
  • Give a fresher and more youthful appearance

Marionette lines

Marionette lines are wrinkles that can develop between the corner of the mouth and the chin when production of collagen reduces as part of the natural aging process. If these wrinkles are particularly defined, this can lead to an “unfriendly” facial expression. These lines can easily be reduced with dermal fillers, which re-introduce lost volume into the areas.

Jaw Augmentation / Jawline Enhancement

Dermal filler is injected using special techniques to reshape the jawline area, adding more shape and definition.

Cheek Augmentation / Cheek Enhancement

Dermal filler is injected to add the volume of the area above and around your cheekbones, this will lift and project. This provides the illusion of a more contoured and defined bone structure. It can also help to fill out lines and wrinkles.

Chin Augmentation / Chin Enhancement

This procedure can enhance the overall appearance of the chin area as well as the overall appearance of the face.

Dermal filler injections can improve the chin and down area by adding projection, definition and to create a more balanced profile. Subtle changes to the chin make a huge difference.

Lip Filler / Russian lip

  • Add extra volume and definition in the lip area
  • Enhance the natural shape and plumpness
  • Reduce smoker’s lines & wrinkles around the mouth
  • See immediate results

Non-Surgical Nose Job (a rhinoplasty procedure)

The nose is an area of insecurity for a number of patients. Non-surgical rhinoplasty (also called a nose job), is a safe alternative to surgery. In this procedure, dermal filler is used to reshape the nose. It is an affordable option for people who want to change the nasal shape and see instant results with a fast recovery.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose jobs)

This procedure can:

  • Correct any unevenness of the nose
  • Lift and re-shape the nose tip
  • Improve appearance of side profile
  • Give immediate results with no surgery
  • A rhinoplasty procedure can be used to reshape the nose and correct small imperfections. People who suffer from a bump or unevenness can achieve a visually straighter nose with the help of dermal filler rhinoplasty, which can “fill out” the area. A rhinoplasty can also be used to raise the tip which can both improve the appearance but can also improve breathing.
  • Nose injection treatment is completed in 15 to 30 minutes and can last up to 1-2 years. Unlike with cosmetic surgery, there is no significant downtime. Post-procedure, it is common to notice some swelling or bruising at the treatment site, but these side-effects will fade in a few days.

Tear Trough

A tear trough is a deep crease between the lower eyelid and upper cheek, and as we age we can experience volume loss in this area which can leave dark circles, shadows and hollows around the delicate under-eye area. This can often make us look tired, older, haggard and run down, even when we are perfectly rested and well hydrated. This can be easily treated with a non-surgical tear trough dermal filler.

Under-Eye Dermal Filler Benefits

  • Immediate erasure of dark circles under the eyes
  • Plumping and adding volume under the eyes
  • Rejuvenation of the overall appearance
  • Reduces lines and wrinkles
  • Instant results and no downtime

Our price list can be found here

Filler Dissolving

Hyaluronic acid dermal filler can be dissolved by the injection of Hyaluronidase enzyme which takes 1-2 weeks to work. There are many reasons why the dermal filler has to be dissolved or has been requested to be dissolved, for example:

  • Over-filled
  • The filler has moved or spread to other areas
  • Lumps and unevenness of dermal filler result
  • Asymmetrical result

This is a prescription only medication. A face-to-face prescribing consultation must be booked prior to treatment to assess suitability.

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